
Well I am now home from work and I have two nights off. Hooray. This week I worked 4 nights in a row and wow, I am not used to it haha. I am tired but I can’t complain. I am happy to get the hours. I better get used to because I will be at max hours soon. I am not sure what I am going to do tonight. I just got done watching American Horror Story and It’s so intense and good. I hate waiting a week for the next new episodes to come on. I watched season one on Netflix and it’s totally different this season. Mostly the same characters but of course, different story line. Oh man, It’s sooooo good!!!!! Well, that’s it for now. Have a good day everyone!!!

Pic of the day: Image

Marley and me

Hey there. I am just hanging out after work. I have tonight to work then I am off for two nights. Weekends go by way too fast. I keep yawning so that tells me I need to head to bed. Will update again soon.


Son of a gun.

Well tonight starts my week of work. This week I have 4 days which is great because I usually get 2 for right now. They did add another day so now I will be working Sun-Tues night. It’s different this week only because the other 3rd shifter asked for 2 days vacation but I can’t complain. I will be back in the morning. Maybe I will have a crazy story from work to post haha. Probably not only because it is super dead through out the night during the week. Time will tell.

It’s me again

Wow! It’s been about 16 months since I last posted on my blog. I guess I should come more often. Which is what I would like to do for the new year, blog more.

Right now I am just hanging out on Facebook and drinking coffee. I used to not drink coffee at all but in the last couple years I have grown to love it. I have always liked cappuccino and coffee isn’t much different. Sometimes, at work, I like to mix a half a cup of coffee and half a cup of english toffee cappuccino…it’s sooo good!! Speaking of work, I am still getting used to working at a different location. It’s so much slower there than the other location I was previously at. I was transferred due to budget cuts so am only getting 3 nights out there currently which is Sun-Tues night. There are talks of me going full-time but that hasn’t happened yet. I am off tonight and start back up at work tomorrow. The other third shifter took 2 vacation days this week so I work 4 nights in a row which will be a nice pay check.

Not sure What I am going to do today. I woke up around 7 this morning. Did a couple loads of laundry, had coffee, and made a fried egg sandwich. Now I am just hanging out on here and waiting for Chad to wake up. 

I like to post random photos with my posts:Image

The cow jumped over Pluto.

So I woke up about 6:45am today and I went to Hilander to get some eggs, bacon, and orange juice and ended up getting chocolate milk too. Oh yeah can’t forget coffee creamer too. Gotta have that haha. I am going to be staying up until about 11 or 12 then going to bed. I start my work week tonight. The Waterfront is this weekend which I always try and go every year but this year I work all 3 nights that it is going on so it’s hard to be up during the day and having to work 10pm-6am. I don’t think I will be going this year 😦

The last couple of days have been hot and humid. With it being September already, I can’t wait for the cooler, fall like weather. I have always enjoyed the warmer weather as opposed to the hot weather of summer, I don’t know why but always have. For now I am going to watch some tv and then go to bed. I work from 10 tonight until 6 in the morning. sigh

My dad and I

Yes, I am still alive. Haha. It’s been over 5 months since I have written on here. I thought to myself today that I would try and update more often. Today I woke up about 9am and then made a whole wheat bagel with garden vegetable cream cheese. I was kind of hesitant on trying the wheat bagel but it was actually very good and went well with my coffee. I have a work meeting today at 2. I have been with Road Ranger for 10 months now and I actually like this job. I get 3 days paid vacation in Oct. Which is awesome because my birthday is the 24th so I just might make it for around my birthday so I can party, party, party!!! Haha.

I just got home from my work meeting. After the meeting I had to go to the bank and then ran to Taco Bell for a little snack. Tonight I am making dinner. I haven’t made porcupine balls in a long time so I thought I would make them tonight. Mmmm mmm good!!! Our friend Erica came over this afternoon. It is always a joy when she comes over. I think our friend Aleisha is coming by later tonight to hang out. On Netflix they have the original series of Star Trek so Chad and I have been watching them.

Random Pic:

He’s back.

So I realised it has been forever since I have written on here. Just a lot has been going on. I think the last time that I blogged was when I was watching Amiah full-time. I have since gotten a job at Road Ranger gas station working third shift. At first it took a while to get used to becoming a night owl. But after a while I got used to being up in the middle of the night. I have been there 6 months now and I can’t say that I hate my job. I actually like the people that I work with. The only bad part about working third shift is that I don’t get to see my niece as often and I am not as social as one would be if they were to work normal hours haha. Oh well I knew what I was going to have when I got hired in so I shouldn’t complain.

We are in the process of looking for a new car. I ended up selling the Focus to my dad and he has been happy ever since with it. I am glad that I could have sold it to someone I know as opposed to a complete stranger. Now we actually have to get our butts in gear and go to our bank to get the loan and then go to dealerships and test drive some cars. Chad and I have some in mind that we want but it’s totally different when you are actually in the car and have to see how you like it. We will be paying for a while on the car so I wanted to make sure that we like it for long-term.

Today some family is coming over for Chad’s mom’s birthday. That’s another thing about working third shift, trying to sleep during the day. Sometimes I feel that it’s next to impossible to get a good sleep in when everyone else in the household is up. There is not much I can do about it at the moment so I just accept it and do what I can do. Right now I am listening to some Tori Amos. It’s been quite a while since I have actually listened to her. At work, every month, we choose what kind of music is played each month and this time we have Adult Alternative and They have been playing Tori Amos which is really surprising because you don’t hear her often at establishments.

Last night I went over to my sister Jen’s to see her, Amiah, and Ray. It’s hard to spend time with them with them working full-time and me too so we try to get together whenever we can. Even if it is just for an hour or so. This week I have Sun, Mon, and Tue. off so hopefully can spend more time with them on one of those days. Amiah is practically walking everywhere. It’s so cute because she will think that she can run and will plop right down when her little legs start going. It’s so cute to watch her as she explores everything.

Vegetables and fruits are goooooood!!!

Yesterday my sister asked if I wanted to go to the mall and out to lunch with her and so we went to the mall to a few stores and then we ate at the food court, she had mexican and i had this asian place called Kobe’s which is real good, I haven’t had it in a long time.

Today Chad, his mom, and I went to the farmer’s market out at Edgebrook Center and it was really nice out so it was cool to see the different vegetable stands. Lots of produce to pick from. I got green beans because there is nothing like roasted green beans with garlic, salt, and oil. We also got a cantaloupe, onions, apples, lettuce, and peppers. Today Chad made homemade chili with the peppers we bought from the farmer’s market and with the apples, Chad’s mom made homemade apple pie. I went out to buy vanilla ice cream because I can’t have apple pie without vanilla ice cream. Mmmmm all cold and melty over the warm apple pie….gosh I can’t wait until it’s done haha. So I just got done having some pie and ice cream. The pie was still warm and the ice cream tasted so good with it.

Tonight our friends Erica and Aleisha are coming by to watch a movie and hang out. I am not sure what movie we are going to watch but we I am sure we will find something on Netflix. Have I mentioned how yummy peanut M+Ms are? I don’t know why but I love them so much.

Yum yum!