It’s me again

Wow! It’s been about 16 months since I last posted on my blog. I guess I should come more often. Which is what I would like to do for the new year, blog more.

Right now I am just hanging out on Facebook and drinking coffee. I used to not drink coffee at all but in the last couple years I have grown to love it. I have always liked cappuccino and coffee isn’t much different. Sometimes, at work, I like to mix a half a cup of coffee and half a cup of english toffee cappuccino…it’s sooo good!! Speaking of work, I am still getting used to working at a different location. It’s so much slower there than the other location I was previously at. I was transferred due to budget cuts so am only getting 3 nights out there currently which is Sun-Tues night. There are talks of me going full-time but that hasn’t happened yet. I am off tonight and start back up at work tomorrow. The other third shifter took 2 vacation days this week so I work 4 nights in a row which will be a nice pay check.

Not sure What I am going to do today. I woke up around 7 this morning. Did a couple loads of laundry, had coffee, and made a fried egg sandwich. Now I am just hanging out on here and waiting for Chad to wake up. 

I like to post random photos with my posts:Image

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